How we made this 3D pop-out photo effect in Adobe Photoshop.
In this short tutorial, we are going to explain how we made this 3D pop-out photo effect in Adobe Photoshop. This is a short and easy process for your beginners. Let’s begin our manipulation.
Making 3D Pop-Out Photo Effect
To make this manipulation, you can choose any kind of image you like. We chose a snowboarding player photo. We worked on the same photo inside the rectangle selection. Different layers of our photo made it more realistic. Let’s show you guys how we did this.
Creating Gradient Background
First, we opened the main image as we did on our Add Realistic Tattoo Design. Then we clicked right on our background layer and clicked on the “Duplicate Layer” option to make 2 copies. Then we turned off the visibility of our two copied layers and selected the main background.
We selected the main background layer to make a gradient layer above it. We made a basic black and white gradient layer, then reversed the color, and then made the scale 1000 percent. Our main gradient background for 3D pop-out photo effect is done.
Making Surface Area
After the gradient background, we turned on the visibility of our middle image layer that we copied. We selected the layer and made a new layer above it. Then we selected the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” to select the snowboard area. This rectangular area will be our main 3D effect base.
Then we clicked on the “Select Option” and clicked on “Transform Selection.” Then we clicked right and selected the “Perspective Option” to make the selection at our desired size. Then we clicked on the “Edit” option and selected “Stroke.” We gave the selection path a white color and 10 pixels wide stroke. The stroke must be inside the rectangle.
Then we clicked on the second background layer and clicked on the “Select Option” to select the “Inverse.” This way, the outside area of our photo was selected and then we clicked the “Delete” key to delete the outside area. Our main surface area for 3D pop-out photo effect is done.
Creating The Main 3D Effect
After the surface, we turned on the visibility of our third photo layer. Then we took the “Magic Wand Tool” and click on the blue sky area to select it. Then we clicked on the “Select Option” and then clicked “Inverse.” We made a layer mask for the selected area.
After that, we selected the “Brush Tool” and made a 100-pixel wide brush and brushed all over the area except our character. Then we selected the second copied layer and the layer above it. Then we pressed “Ctrl+E” to merge these layers together. Our 3D model effect is done.
Making Page And Shadow Effect
After merging the second copied layer, then we copied the merged layer by pressing the “Ctrl+J” keys. Then selecting the copied layer, we went for the “Edit Option” and then clicked on “Free transform to make the layer like a floating page. We can also open the “Free Transform Tool” by pressing the “Ctrl+T” keys.
After opening the “Free Transform Tool,” we selected the “Edit Option,” then we clicked on the “Transform,” and then the “Perspective Tool.” we can see different points inside it. We moved the upper and lower points a bit high to make the layer look like a floating page. We were working on our copied layer which was above the main layer.
Then we selected the main layer icon below and pressed the “Ctrl+Left Click” to select the whole layer area. Then we clicked on the “Edit Option” and selected “Fill.” We made the whole layer black and converted the layer into a “Smart Object.”
After that, we went for the “Filter Option,” then “Blur,” and then “Gaussian Blur.” We made the radius for gaussian blur 5.8 pixels and pressed ok. Then we brought down the opacity to 63 percent for this layer. Our page and shadow effect for the 3D pop-out photo effect is done.
Finishing The 3D Pop-Out Photo Effect
The main process for the design is done. This Manipulation was just like our 3D PopOut Water Splash In Your Mobile Design. So we followed the same process as we did in that tutorial. Hope you guys enjoy our tutorial and make a lot of creative things. Thank You.
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